Susca Roof Consulting provides technical and quality control services to institutional, residential, commercial, and municipal clients. We specialize in slate, tile, copper, low slope roofing and historical properties.
We enable owners to more effectively control and manage their roof assets to provide the greatest overall value. Susca Roof Consulting is an unbiased source, able to diagnose, evaluate and design roof and rain carrying systems. We assess proposals for suitability and economy of design and scope. Pre-planning and accurate review ensures proper execution, maximizes the long-term life of the roof system and provides the customer with the best use of their resources.
Richard Susca has 28 years of contracting experience with The C.G. Bostwick Company, a Connecticut roofing and sheet metal contractor. As a consultant, Rich relies on more than a century of institutional knowledge handed down to him at Bostwick and the good fortune to have been chosen to personally work on many of Connecticut’s historical properties. This invaluable hands-on experience has provided him with a unique combination of knowledge and skills gained through the design and implementation requirements of unique and custom projects as well as the challenge of historical restoration.